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RLE – refractive lens exchange

RLE or refractive lens exchange is non-laser surgery during which an optical element (intraocular lens) is permanently implanted in the eye. The intraocular lens replaces the original human lens whose dioptric value did not correspond with the dioptric condition of the eye.

Refractive lens exchange is suitable for patients over 40 years of age with disorders beyond the scope of laser surgery.

Quite painlessly, RLE is performed in the operating theatre of the outpatient clinic and the surgery takes about 15 minutes.

Intraocular lenses are produced by Alcon, an American company, and have been approved by the European Union and the USFDA.

The main advantage of RLE is that it is possible to remove any number of diopters through this method.

RLE is also a preventive treatment - patients after refractive lens exchange are no more at risk of cataract and the risk of paroxysmal glaucoma is substantially reduced. Therefore, RLE is an excellent choice for patients who have a high number of diopters is combined with familial predisposition to cataract and glaucoma.









To patients who would also like to get rid of their reading glasses, we recommend the PRELEX method, which is a refractive lens exchange completed with so-called multifocal intraocular lens implantation.

Eye Clinic doctors have achieved long-term excellent results with RLE and PRELEX methods. The medical director of the Clinic, Dr. Josef Hycl, CSc., has been doing the surgery since 1993 and he was the first doctor in the Czech Republic to put these methods into medical practice. He has defended a scientific dissertation on the subject of RLE and been awarded a PhD. degree.

