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Katarína Letavajová , strabism- removing surgical procedure

" “Adults have always reacted completely normally to my handicap, but children often couldn´t. They didn´t know which direction I am looking in and were confused. Aside from that, I just had a son, so I also decided to have the surgery for his benefit as well,” explains Katarína. “"

Ms. Katarína Letavajová has been suffering from strabism in one eye since her childhood. The bigger was her joy, when she found out at the postoperative check- up, that her eye is already completely all right.
I come from Slovakia and I could not find any eye clinic, where they would operate on my strabism. They always said, that the risk was too big and that I might see double after the procedure, and so on and so forth. Finally, I discovered NeoVízia on the internet and I immediately made an appointment to see MUDr. Kristina Vodičková. Already when I first spoke to her, I started to believe that this time, it could all work out,” Ms. Letavajová describes her experience. Then she adds: “MUDr. Vodičková was the first one who did not tell me that it just wasn´t possible. On the contrary, she tried to find a solution for me.

Ms. Letavajová works as a teacher and spends most of her time with small children. “Adults have always reacted completely normal to my handicap, but children often couldn't. They didn't know which direction I am looking in and were confused. Aside from that, I just had a son, so I also decided to have the surgery for his benefit as well,” explains Katarína. “And it was a great decision. Suddenly, everything is prettier and easier,” smiles the satisfied patient.

The treatment of strabism in adult patients at the eye clinic NeoVize is performed by MUDr. Kristina Vodičková, Ph.D.The surgery is an outpatient procedure, performed with the method of adjustable stitches. “During the procedure, I adjust the length of the muscles that are responsible for eye movements or the places of their attachment on the surface of the eye ball. The technique of the adjustable stitches is unique, because I can adjust the stitches even after the surgical procedure is done, and that way the position of the eye can be perfected,” she describes the procedure.
