"„On Saturday I went to the hairdresser and on Sunday I could already go the Lady Gaga concert in Prague with my new 3D eyes. It was wonderful to finally see and not have to care about contact lenses. Since the surgery, I am enjoying every day. When there´s a commercial on TV, I remove my make up, brush my teeth and go back to the TV. Up until last week, my day had to end when I took out my contact lenses. "
„On Saturday I went to the hairdresser and on Sunday I could already go to the Lady Gaga concert in Prague with my new 3D eyes. It was wonderful to finally see and not have to care about contact lenses. Since the surgery, I am enjoying every day. When there's a commercial on TV, I remove my make up, brush my teeth and go back to watching TV. Up until last week, my day had to end when I took out my contact lenses. The only thing I could do without them was to find my way to bed. Now, after years of wearing contact lenses, my eyes finally feel some freedom,“ she said last weekend- the first with her new eyes, mentions the editor in chief of the popular women´s magazine EMMA, Eva Blahutová. She underwent the painless dioptrical removal with the laser surgical method ReLEx SMILE on Thursday, October 2, 2014.
Babysitting on the night of the surgery
„I slept for an hour or so right after the surgery. In the afternoon, I took my daughter Zara to get her signed up for a new dance class. I replied to everyone's texts, saying I was alive and nothing hurt, and that I can already see perfectly. Back home, I took a little pleasure in the ritual of throwing away my old contact lens case and the rest of the saline solution. I spent the evening babysitting my daughters. I studied with the older one and took care of some work- related e-mails on the side. The procedure took one afternoon of my time and it has already changed my life.“
Glasses are hiding women´s beauty
She had been thinking about getting a laser surgery for a few years but it took her a long time to gather up the courage for it. „At some point, I got scared by how long I have been wearing contact lenses. I put them in, when I was seventeen and I never took them out again. According to recent studies, the time I could continue to wear them for was getting shorter and shorter. It was beginning to look like I would have to stop wearing them in about two years, and I am not even going to be forty by then. I just couldn´t picture my life, comfort and look with a pair of glasses sitting on my nose.
I never felt comfortable hidden behind a pair of glasses. I always felt ugly wearing them, like it wasn´t even me. I simply know myself as a „girl without glasses“. I perceive them as a barrier in women's faces, a barrier that is hiding the most beautiful thing they have in the world – their eyes. Since I work at a fashion magazine, I come in contact with the most beautiful women in the world on a daily basis. For us women, a desire to always look our best is natural, and glasses cover up our beauty, they stand in it's way. In my line of work, I would have to buy beautiful and stylish glasses all the time. Those things are expensive, the surgery is much more cost- efficient when you compare it to that.
She was scared by the high risk of infections stemming from contact lenses. However, glasses were disturbing for her because of multiple reasons. „When I actually wore them from time to time, I could never remember, where I put them down. Without them, I could not see anything, of course. The glasses were especially annoying in the fall and winter months, when they were constantly damp. With my daughters, Zara and Alexa, it is impossible for me to go back to glasses. They love the water, I take them to go swimming a lot, and without glasses, I would not even see where they are. Since we brought an article in EMMA on the serious risks of eye damage caused by wearing contact lenses (for example in the water), I could not go into a pool with them again. I started to dislike the fact, that every day had to start with contacts for me. The first thing I did every morning was run to the bathroom and stuff them into my eyes, so I could start being functional. It was a desperate situation. Without the contact lenses, I could not even find the right ingredients in the refrigerator in order to prepare breakfast. Every afternoon, when I was on maternity leave and took a little nap with Lexy, I had to deal with a guilty conscience because I had left them inside my eyes. I did not want to live to see the moment when the contact lenses would destroy my cornea so much in the next two years, that I would no longer be eligible for a laser surgical procedure. From the viewpoint of comfort it is amazing that there is something out there that can improve my quality of life forever. The surgery helped me get rid of my dioptries into the distance and according to calculations that the doctors have explained to me, I can also expect a much milder presbyopia thanks to it (the age- related need for a pair of reading glasses). I did not want to end up like my mother- in- law, who is constantly switching up her glasses, can´t see into short or long distances and is unhappy because of it.
She has decided to try the ReLEx SMILE because of several reasons. „I did my own journalistic miniature study and ReLEx SMILE seems to be the most gentle and most accurate laser surgical method worldwide. Why should I settle for anything else than the best for my eyes? I like that the surgeons no longer have to scratch away the epithel thanks to the femtosecond laser and that they give you a life- long guarantee for your surgical procedure. I really trusted the primary physician of the medical team at our Eye Clinic , MD. Piovarci, from the first time I've met him. He is one of the most renowned eye surgeons in our region and I already knew his calming voice from several radio programmes. My trust was confirmed by the fact that he underwent the surgical procedure removing dioptries at his clinic himself. MUDr. Adriana Smorádková, who did my initial examination also helped me overcome my fear and doubts with her wise and patient explanations to all of my questions. She explained to me, how my eye sight would develop without the surgical procedure and what advantages the surgery will have for me specifically. I was able to think about everything, I knew exactly, what I was getting myself into and what was coming next. How does she remember the surgical procedure itself? „It was better than I had expected. Even though I knew everything about the surgical procedure and I knew it does not hurt, my biggest fear was still, that it is going to hurt. The procedure was fast as a lightning bolt and the whole time I was at the clinic, I felt very comfortable. You will not experience any stress here, just a very friendly medical team.
I will be reading the new EMMA with my new SMILE eyes
The editor in chief of the popular women's magazine has been leading it for ten years in a row now. „I love my work and love it more than anything else. It is wonderfully diverse, and brings interesting people into my life every single day. With my editorial office we work with beautiful things on a daily basis – we talk about cosmetics, fashion, actors, famous celebrities, relationships, comfort. The best feeling in the world for me is when we get some feedback from our readers, saying that we have brought them joy or made their day better. EMMA gives women comfort, always teaches them something new, or warns them about something else. Women take us with their coffee. We are creating something, that women associate with relaxiation. I am grateful that thanks to the new painfree surgical methods of refractive laser eye operations, I will be able to read the newest issue of EMMA while drinking a coffee, too. With my new, impeccable 3D eyes instead of contact lenses.