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The doctors from our clinics at the XXXII. congress ESCRS in London: The method SMILE is revolutionary among laser surgeries

The doctors from our clinics at the XXXII. congress ESCRS in London: The method SMILE is revolutionary among laser surgeries

Renowned world experts in eye surgery have confirmed a world trend: the gentleness, accuracy and painlessness which was all brought into laser surgery by the new surgical method ReLEx SMILE.The prestigious XXXII. Congress of the European Cataract and Refractive surgery, which took place September 13-17 of 2014  in London, also brought other interesting results.  

„The whole congress was affected by the immense joy stemming from the laser method SMILE. World capacities lavished big words. The surgery, for which we only use the femtosecond laser as of now, was named the future of removing dioptries with a laser. Especially emphasized was the fact, that the laser does not need to create a flap on the cornea anymore, but gently takes out a small lenticula, which leaves the cornea strong and intact. From the biomechanical viewpoint of the cornea, this is currently the most gentle method worldwide“, said our surgeons after returning from the congress.  


